14.2 km | 01:16:52 | 05:24/km日期: 2014-10-24 06:03 - 地點: 家 - 天氣: 陰天 - 平均心率: 139 - 卡路里: 909 Cal - 溫度: 22°C - 濕度: 80%
Pace: 06'44" / 06'11" / 06'04" / 05'14" / 05'08" / 04'53" / 04'46" / 05'51" / 05'02" / 04'55" / 04'45" / 04'34" / 05'52" / 05'43" / 05'05" /
B.A.A.Half Marathon Plan by Terrence Mahon - 26/66
2014/10/24 (五) - 1H15M
Blue Zone - 20min Green Zone - 20min Blue Zone - 5min Green Zone - 20min Blue Zone - 10min Maintain a good effort throughout the Green Zone without trying to push to go faster. Let your running come to you during these 2 x 20-min tempo intervals. When in doubt, start in the lower end of the pace range and build to the higher end during the second interval.
教練意見 | 得分 64%
做得好! 你跑步時停留在目標區域的時間為實耗時間的 64% 。 你最高能得到多少分?
心率區間 | 心跳數 | 心率等級 |
1:E有氧耐力區 | 114~139 | 65~79% |
2:M馬拉松配速區 | 139~156 | 79~89% |
3:T乳酸耐力區 | 156~161 | 89~92% |
4:A無氧耐力區 | 161~171 | 92~97.5% |
5:I最大耗氧區 | 171~176 | 97.5~100% |
最大心率為176 點此去設定最大心率 |
10月累積里程 :
240.23 km ![](images/shoe.png)
MIZUNO Wave Rider 16 4E 累積 :
1611.0 km里程 (km) | 配速 (/km) | 時間 (累計時間) |
1 | 06'44" | 00:06'44" |
2 | 06'11" | 00:12'55" |
3 | 06'04" | 00:18'59" |
4 | 05'14" | 00:24'13" |
5 | 05'08" | 00:29'21" |
6 | 04'53" | 00:34'14" |
7 | 04'46" | 00:39'00" |
8 | 05'51" | 00:44'51" |
9 | 05'02" | 00:49'53" |
10 | 04'55" | 00:54'48" |
11 | 04'45" | 00:59'33" |
12 | 04'34" | 01:04'07" |
13 | 05'52" | 01:09'59" |
14 | 05'43" | 01:15'42" |
14.2 | 05'05" | 01:16'52" |