ALTIUDE - 目前高度 (Current altitude)
ALTI MAX - 最大高度 (The highest altitude)
ALTI MIN - 最低高度 (The lowest altitude)
CALORIES - 消耗的卡路里 (shows how many calories you have burned)
CAL RATE - 每小時消耗卡路里 (Burn calories per hour)
HR - 心跳 (Instant heart rate information)
HR AVG - 平均心跳 (Average heart rate information)
HR INZN - 心跳區間 (Heart rate zone)
HR MAX - 最大心跳 (The max hear rate information)
LAPS - 圈數 (Lap counts)
LAP DIST - 當圈距離 (Lap distance)
LAP PACE - 當圈平均步速 (The average pace for the current lap)
LAP SPEED - 當圈平均速度 (The average speed for the current lap)
LAP TIME - 當圈的時間 (The time spent for the current lap)
PACE - 步速 (the time needed for one mile or one km)
PACE AVG - 平均步速 (Average pace)
PACE BEST - 最快步速 (The fastest pace)
PACE INZN - 步速區間 (Pace zone)
SPEED - 速度 (Instant speed)
SPEED AVG - 平均速度 (The average speed)
SPEED MAX - 最大速度 (Max speed)
SPEED INZN - 速度區間 (Speed zone)
TIME - 時間 (Time)
DISTANCE - 距離 (shows how far you have trained)
Asc SPEED - 上升速度 (Ascending speed)
CUMULATE + - 累積爬升高度 (Raise accumulative altitude)
CUMULATE - - 累積下降高度 (Falling accumulative altitude)
REST DIST - 剩餘距離 (The rest of distance to go)
REST TIME - 剩餘時間 (The rest of time to go)
PACER - 與虛擬訓練員的時間差 (Evaluated time between trainer to virtual trainer)
PACER E - 當設定訓練目標時,離目標還有多少距離 (Evaluated rest distance to destination)
PACER T - 當設定訓練目標時,離目標還有多少時間 (Evaluated rest time to destination)
SLOPE - 坡度 (The tilt percentage from vertical to horizontal)