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日期: 2019-05-05 06:00 - 總爬升: 371 m - 平均心率: 159 - 卡路里: 1139 Cal - 平均步頻: 158 - 溫度: 18°C - 濕度: 95%
· ![]() Today I finished a trail run with myself though I didn’t finish it within finish time. I watch my step very carefully. After completing the 21 km marathon, I use the discount tickets bought spicy pot sausages and spicy chicken leg roll which I want to eat most. while the trail run, I saw many beautiful waterfalls and mountains. I didn’t bring a cellphone while trail run because I have to focus on watching my step carefully with the correct pose. The street food vendors in the tribe are excellent. Hurt but try. I have a trail run story can tell my dear young adult friends now but they are in college exam now better wait for a while. Thank you, Professors, your lectures bring these friends to me. Even we are from different lands but we have an identical soul. The ice pop is also great. After this trail run, even a sneeze my spine will hurt and cramp in my both hands rest for a while it should be fine. 賽前宣言: 半馬烏來馬,要去看看攤販很棒 賽後評分: 攤販太好吃了關門也值得 給 5 星 ![]()
5月累積里程 : 172.09 km ![]() TCX 上傳 | 5 years ago · ![]()