10.5 km | 01:01:20 | 05:50/km日期: 2013-12-09 05:28 - 卡路里: 662 Cal - 溫度: 21°C - 濕度: 87%
Pace: 06'15" / 06'08" / 10'30" / 01'30" / 06'00" / 05'44" / 05'44" / 05'34" / 05'25" / 05'25" / 06'05" /
House of Lords -- Pleasure Palace
House of Lords -- I Wanna Be Loved
House of Lords -- Edge Of Your Life
House of Lords -- Love Don't Lie
House of Lords -- Slip Of The Tongue
House of Lords -- Hearts Of The World
House of Lords -- Under Blue Skies
House of Lords -- Call My Name
House of Lords -- Jealous Heart
House of Lords -- Mask Of Eternity
House of Lords -- These Are The Times
House of Lords -- All The Way To Heaven
House of Lords -- Field Of Shattered Dreams
12月累積里程 : 234.73 km
里程 (km) | 配速 (/km) | 時間 (累計時間) |
1 | 06'15" | 00:06'15" |
2 | 06'08" | 00:12'23" |
3 | 10'30" | 00:22'53" |
4 | 01'30" | 00:24'23" |
5 | 06'00" | 00:30'23" |
6 | 05'44" | 00:36'07" |
7 | 05'44" | 00:41'51" |
8 | 05'34" | 00:47'25" |
9 | 05'25" | 00:52'50" |
10 | 05'25" | 00:58'15" |
10.5 | 06'05" | 01:01'21" |